Maize processing during late period in Hualfin Valley. A domestic context of chicha production?

  • Bárbara Balesta
  • Celeste Valencia
  • Federico Wynveldt
Keywords: Cerro Colorado de La Ciénaga, Hualfín valley, Maize, Chicha


In this paper we present excavations in dwelling 35, belonging to Cerro Colorado de La Ciénaga in Hualfín valley. Cerro Colorado is located on top of a hill and comprises more than 100 rooms. According to radiocarbonic dating, the site was most likely inhabited during the XV century. More than 53 maize remains were recovered during excavations, all carbonized. Eight maize races were identified for the first time in the valley, belonging to hard, semi hard and sweet groups. Furthermore, structural characteristics of the dwellings, circular pits containing fine-grained sediments, fine and coarse pottery fragments, and faunal remains,suggest that this space was used forfood and beverage processingat a domestic scale.


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How to Cite
Balesta, B., Valencia, C., & Wynveldt, F. (1). Maize processing during late period in Hualfin Valley. A domestic context of chicha production?. Arqueología, 20(3), 61-82.