Reevaluation of burial practices in Andalgalá urns

  • David A. Álvarez Candal
  • Verónica S. Gazi
Keywords: Argentine Northwest, Archaeological pottery, Andalgalá Culture, Funerary urns


This paper attempts to review interpretations related toburial practices in Andalgalá urns. In the archeo-logical studies of northwest Argentina, these urns were presented as part of the culture of societies that lived in Andalgalá Valley (Catamarca), either as a variant of the Belénarchaeological culture, or as being an outcome of the contact between Belén and Sanagasta cultures. On the other hand, other scholars consider they are related tothe Inca presence in the region. In this paper we define these burial practices, considering the variability, distribution and funerary contexts of the Andalgalá urns, and contextual associations to recentarchaeological rescue excavations. We discuss the chronology of the emergence and establishment of this funerary practice. We question whether it is possible to consider the Andalgalá urns as part of a regional tradition, an exotic manifestation in the areaas a consequence of a phenomenon of diffusion, or if this funerary context is determined by the presence of chaco-santiagueño colonists installed by the Inca State. Finally,we intend to contributeto the evaluation of the cultural area category and its implication in the definition of social relationships between different areas and groups.


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How to Cite
Álvarez Candal, D. A., & Gazi, V. S. (1). Reevaluation of burial practices in Andalgalá urns. Arqueología, 20(3), 135-154.