Local landscape, production and use of late ceramics in Hualfín Valley (Belén department, Catamarca, Argentina)

  • M. Emilia Iucci
Keywords: Belén ceramics, Ordinary ceramics, Hualfín valley, Organization of ceramic production, Use of ceramics


In this paper we present a general characterization of Belén and ordinary ceramics from different sites of Hualfín valley (Belén department, Catamarca province). The main goal is to analyze different aspects related to their participation in local landscapes of the Late period. Particularly, we study morphology, dimensions, uses and contexts of provenance of vessels as elements to discuss the organization of ce-ramic production and how, once elaborated, objects are used to participate in different social practices. Considering these results and previous works, we suggest a mode of organization of ceramic production based on a domestic scale linked to the existence of small handicraft workshops, where vessels were elabo-rated for funerary and daily life practices.


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How to Cite
Iucci, M. E. (1). Local landscape, production and use of late ceramics in Hualfín Valley (Belén department, Catamarca, Argentina). Arqueología, 20(3), 155-168. https://doi.org/10.34096/arqueologia.t20.n0.1585