Human-animal interactions in the Salt Puna during the middle Holocene: The case of Cueva Salamanca 1, Antofagasta de la Sierra, Catamarca

  • Mariana Mondini
  • Antonela Marozzi
  • Elizabeth L. Pintar
Keywords: Zooarchaeology, Puna, Cueva Salamanca 1, Middle Holocene, Camelids, Intensification


 This paper presents the zooarchaeological analysis of the bone record from Cueva Salamanca 1 archaeological site, located in Antofagasta de la Sierra, in the Puna of Catamarca, at 3.665 masl. The site has most occupations between ca.  8100-7400 years BP and other, more sporadic ones up to 4500 BP in layer 2 -on which this analysis is focused-, and a few more intermittent later ones. The results suggest an intensive exploitation of camelids, especially of family groups. It included both vicuñas and guanacos, which are represented in relatively high proportions. The exploitation of these camelids involved the processing for extra- and intra-bone nutrient extraction, as well as other uses. The archaeofaunal record analyzed is consistent with the demographic and paleoclimatic settings proposed for the region, and shows a more stable occupation of this intermediate sector of the basin at the beginning of Middle Holocene, followed by a less intensive one as dry conditions increased, along with a tight interaction with different wild camelids.


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How to Cite
Mondini, M., Marozzi, A., & Pintar, E. L. (1). Human-animal interactions in the Salt Puna during the middle Holocene: The case of Cueva Salamanca 1, Antofagasta de la Sierra, Catamarca. Arqueología, 21(1), 73-88.