Furnaces, minerals and slags: an approximation to extractive metallurgy in the Puna of Jujuy during pre-hispanic and colonial times

  • M. Florencia Becerra CONICET - ISES • Instituto de arqueología y Museo , Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. San Martín 1545 (CP 4000), S. M. de Tucumán, Argentina
  • Nicolás Nieva Laboratorio de Física del Sólido, Departamento de física, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Tecnología, UNT. Av. Indepen denci a 1800 (CP 4000), S. M. de Tucumán, Argentina
  • Carlos I. Angiorama CONICET - ISES • Instituto de arqueología y Museo , Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. San Martín 1545 (CP 4000), S. M. de Tucumán, Argentina
Keywords: Melting furnaces, Slags, Minerals, Archaeometallurgy, Puna of Jujuy.


We present the results of archaeo-metric analyses conducted on slags recovered in six archaeological sites in the Puna of Jujuy (Argentina). One of them was probably in use during pre-Hispanic times and the other five in colonial times. The slag pieces were observed and analysed using optical and electronic microscopy, and chemical microanalysis techniques. These results, together with contextual information and the study of the evidence of furnaces preserved in the sites, aimed at ascertaining the nature of the mineral ore and conditions of metallurgical processes carried out in each site. Overall, the results allow us to state that in all cases extractive metallurgy of lead sulfide with content of silver (argentiferous galena) was carried out in order to obtain the latter. Interestingly, marked differences between casting waste produced by the benefit in reverberatory furnaces and other furnaces, or between colonial and probably Hispanic production, have not been identified.


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How to Cite
Becerra, M. F., Nieva, N., & Angiorama, C. I. (1). Furnaces, minerals and slags: an approximation to extractive metallurgy in the Puna of Jujuy during pre-hispanic and colonial times. Arqueología, 20(1), 13-30. https://doi.org/10.34096/arqueologia.t20.n1.1625