New approaches to a semi-public space during the Middle Period (VII-XII centuries AC). Characterization and analysis of a courtyard in La Rinconada

  • Eva A. Calomino CONICET - Instituto de arqueología, FFyL, UBA. 25 de Mayo 217 3o piso (CP 1002), Bs . A s., Argentina
  • Luciana Eguia Instituto de arqueología, FFyL, UBA. 25 de Mayo 217 3o piso (CP 1002), Bs. As ., Argentina
Keywords: La Rinconada, Semi-public space, Pottery and faunistic assemblages, Middle Period


We present a characterization and analysis of semi-public space at La Rinconada ceremonial site, chronologically assigned to the Middle Period (VII-XII DC) in Ambato Valley, Catamarca. We focused our study on the most abundant material remains –pottery and faunal assemblages- found in one of the largest courtyards, Structure 5. The aim of this research was to delve our understanding on the matter. The analysis establishes that the ceramic pieces were enabled to participate in a context of multiple activities associated with the storage and transport of substances. In some cases, these activities were also spatially patterned. Regarding the fauna, there is evidence to support that all the stages of meat processing -mainly of camelids- were carried on there. Moreover, the analyses have shown that these animals would have entered the courtyard in one piece in order to be distributed in a relatively homogenous way among the domestic units for its final consumption. Considering all the analyzed sets of data, it is now possible to identify a greater number and variety of activities in the area, characterizing this semi-public space as a place of circulation and access control to other areas, integrating in this way different loci in the context of social interaction.


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How to Cite
Calomino, E. A., & Eguia, L. (1). New approaches to a semi-public space during the Middle Period (VII-XII centuries AC). Characterization and analysis of a courtyard in La Rinconada. Arqueología, 20(1), 95-114.