First approaches to the agricultural landscape in Alto-Ancasti northern mountain range: A multi-scale analysis

  • Verónica N. Zuccarelli Instituto de Arqueología ,FFy L, UBA. 25 de M ayo 217 3o piso (CP 1002), B uenos Aires, Argentina
Keywords: Landscape Archaeology, Eastern Catamarca, Regional Integration Period, GIS


This research focuses on the analysis of the agrarian landscape established in the northern region of El Alto Department, Catamarca, within the Regional Integration Period (ca. 600-1200 D.C.). The aim was to approach the way in which the agrarian spaces were structured in relation to the sites, in several scales through the methodological agenda of Landscape Archaeology. The problem has come within reach by the use of Geographical Information System (GIS) in order to create spatial models to evaluate the different components of the agrarian system and the dwelling areas. This tool allows creating a global view by enhancing the analysis of the environmental characteristics (topography, hidrography, etc.) that directly influenced the construction of a certain social landscape. Lastly, this would make it more feasible to propose hypothesis about the dynamics of the populations that built it.


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How to Cite
Zuccarelli, V. N. (1). First approaches to the agricultural landscape in Alto-Ancasti northern mountain range: A multi-scale analysis. Arqueología, 20(1), 115-142.