Inka appropriation of a sacred place in the Quebrada de Humahuaca, Jujuy, Argentina

  • Solange Fernández do Rio Instituto Interdisciplinario de Tilcara (UBA) • Belgrano 445 Tilcara (4624)
Keywords: Inca Domination, Spatiality, Sacred Place, Ushnu


The aim of this paper is studying the impact of Inca conquest of an archaeological site at Quebrada de Humahuaca, Jujuy Province, Argentina. One way this process took form was through the transformation of landscape configuration and the re-signification of local practices. This article presents Campo Morado as an example of domination through the appropriation of a sacred-local place for the construction of an ushnu on it. We deal with this theme studying the site spatiality, acknowledging that architectural design operates as a technology to impose temporal and spatial order. Two methodological tools are used in thiswork: gamma maps and formal characteristics of architectural design. We conclude that Inca transformations were oriented towards local identity disintegration in pursuit of the creation of a new one, emphasizing the difference between Inca and local worlds.


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How to Cite
Fernández do Rio, S. (1). Inka appropriation of a sacred place in the Quebrada de Humahuaca, Jujuy, Argentina. Arqueología, 15, 41-62. Retrieved from