To build, to mean, to perpetuate... Places for death, spaces for daily life

  • Natalia R. Chiappe Sánchez Becaria CONICET • IAM-ISES • Universidad Nacional de Tucumán • Yerba Buena (4107), Tucumán, Argentina
Keywords: Place, Space, Habitus, Social Construction Of The Death


This work focus on the forms in which early formatives groups that constructed and inhabited the archaeological site Bajo los Cardones -Amaicha del Valle, Department of Tafí del Valle, Tucumán- grave place to death in their social life. We start this analysis from one of the aspects of daily life: the construction of social spaces, emphasizing the places destined for the death and its entailment in the ordering of other social spaces. In this way, on the basis of a space analysis, differential forms of constructing the places for the deads and their possible concerns on social scale are posited. Even so, this differentiation evidences a particular configuration in the role of death unifying social contents of habitus in this sector of Bajo los Cardones.  


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How to Cite
Chiappe Sánchez, N. R. (1). To build, to mean, to perpetuate. Places for death, spaces for daily life. Arqueología, 16(1), 35-58.