The study of lihic raw materials used for bola manufacture in northern Tierra del Fuego (Argentina)

  • Karen Borrazo
  • M. Clara Etchichury
Keywords: lithic raw materials, bola technology, availability, selection, Tierra del Fuego


This paper focuses on the study of lithic raw materials used by hunter-gatherers for bola manufacture in Northern Grande Island of Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). The petrographic characterization of natural and archaeological samples of those rocks is presented. In addition, their availability in the regional landscape is assessed through the systematic sampling of several secondary lithic sources. The comparison of the natural availability of these lithologies and their representation in the archaeological record shows that raw material selection was not primarily influenced by availability. Finally, we explore several criteria that may have been applied to raw material selection for bola manufacture and present the main technological patterns observed in the archaeological record.


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How to Cite
Borrazo, K., & Etchichury, M. C. (1). The study of lihic raw materials used for bola manufacture in northern Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). Arqueología, 19(2), 305-324.