Pottery variability at Punta de Balasto site and ceramic production in Yocavil Valley during Inka rule (Catamarca, Northwest Argentina)

  • Marina Marchegiani
Keywords: style, technology, ceramic production, Inca conquest, Yocavil valley


The purpose of this paper is to present the results of stylistic and technological analysis conducted on a sample of ceramic fragments recovered through surface collections and excavations at Tambo de Punta de Balasto. The sherds were classified into three stylistic groups called Inca, Santiago del Estero Chaco and Santa Maria, dominating the Inca. In Inca pottery majority distinguished two forms of production, one characterized by pasta with plenty of mica (muscovite) and the other by the intentional addition of volcanic ash white (glass shards). Based on the data obtained is proposed that part of the Inca pottery recovered in the dairy could have been produced in the Yocavil valley.


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How to Cite
Marchegiani, M. (1). Pottery variability at Punta de Balasto site and ceramic production in Yocavil Valley during Inka rule (Catamarca, Northwest Argentina). Arqueología, 18, 77-100. https://doi.org/10.34096/arqueologia.t18.n0.1809