Tricolored pottery from the Puna of Jujuy: White dots and virgule motifs variability

  • M. Amalia Zaburlín
Keywords: pottery, points and pírgulas, Puna of Jujuy


Develops an analysis of attributes decorative variability in tricolored ceramic from the Central Puna. Six ceramic groups with chronological and spatial distribution variations were indentified. Describes the pottery varieties with white points and vírgulas that are part of ceramic component Isla (including the Peñas Coloradas type), associated to processes of Regional Development Period I in Quebrada de Humahuaca. These elements are systematically differentiated from the decorative groups that are part of ceramic component Casabindo, as-sociated to processes from Regional Development Period II until the Inka Period in Central Puna.


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How to Cite
Zaburlín, M. A. (1). Tricolored pottery from the Puna of Jujuy: White dots and virgule motifs variability. Arqueología, 18, 131-152.