Archaeomalacology in the Ansenuza coasts: Analysis of nacre clam (<i>Anodontites trapesialis</i>) found in burial context in El Diquecito (Laguna Mar Chiquita, Córdoba)

  • Mariana Fabra
  • Sandra Gordillo
  • Eduardo L. Piovano
Keywords: achaeomalacology, anotontites trapesialis, eastern plains, Córdoba


Mollusk shells are relatively frequent items in archaeological sites from different regions of Argentina, as part of human diet, utilitarian or ornamental items, as well as rituals. In this paper we analyze the biological characteristics of a unique mollusk shell found in a burial context of a residential site located on the southern coast of Laguna Mar Chiquita or Mar de Ansenuza (Córdoba province) and its surrounding environment, inferring the hydroclimatic conditions during the occupation of the site. Photographs were taken of the recovered material, and observations were made using binocular microscope. The specimen was dated by AMS in 2077 ± 38 BP.  The mollusk shell was classified as Anodontites trapesialis (Lam.), previously unreported in archaeological sites in the region, which lives in rivers and freshwater lakes, and therefore would not have lived in Laguna Mar Chiquita. The specimen probably came from the tributary rivers or neighboring regions of North Pampas. The event would have taken place in a period characterized by hydric oscillations, dry and probably very cold climate conditions.


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How to Cite
Fabra, M., Gordillo, S., & Piovano, E. L. (1). Archaeomalacology in the Ansenuza coasts: Analysis of nacre clam (<i>Anodontites trapesialis</i&gt;) found in burial context in El Diquecito (Laguna Mar Chiquita, Córdoba). Arqueología, 18, 257-266.