Analysis of material variability at Enclosure 1 - Kancha II: Contributions for an understanding of Inca politics at Shincal de Quimivil

  • María Couso Div. De Arqueología • FCNyM, UNLP • Paseo Del Bosque S/N. (1900) La Plata, Argentina
  • Reinaldo Moralejo CoNiCet• Div.De ArqueologíA •FCNyM,uNlP•PAseo Del Bosque s/N.(1900)lAPlAtA,ArgeNtiNA
  • Marco Giovannetti CoNiCet• Div.De ArqueologíA •FCNyM,uNlP•PAseo Del Bosque s/N.(1900) La Plata, Argentina
  • Luis Del Papa CoNiCet,CáteDrADe ANAtoMíA CoMPArADA •FCNyM,uNlP•CAlle 64 e/DiAg.113 y120 (1900) La Plata, Argentina
  • María Páez CoNiCet,lABorAtorio De ANálisis CeráMiCo •FCNyM,uNlP•CAlle 64 e/DiAg.113 y 120 (1900) La Plata, Argentina
  • Julia Gianelli FCNyM,uNlP•CAlle 122 y 60 (1900) La Plata, Argentina
  • Laura Giambelluca FCNyM,uNlP•CAlle 122 y 60 (1900) La Plata, Argentina
  • Marcelo Arnosio Instituto Geonorte,Universidad Nacional De Salta •Salta, Argentina •177(4400)
  • Rodolfo Raffino CONICET• Div. de Arqueología •FCNyM,UNLP• Paseo del Bosque s/N.(1900) La Plata, Argentina
Keywords: Inka, Argentine Northwest, Multidisciplinary analysis


The archaeological works on the Inka site El Shincal de Quimivil have accumulated a specific literature about their place as capital of the Tawantinsuyu domination in NOA. This paper is about the excavation in the Room 1 of the structure Kancha II, an area of typically Inca architecture near one of the artificially terraced hills. The full excavation has enabled us to recover a substantial body of evidence of ceramic sherds, bones and stone tools, as well as a mortar centrally positioned and elevated by a base of rocks. In addition, emphasis was placed on the search of archaeobotanical remains, which were recovered in scarce numbers. In relation to the ceramics, is remarkable the diversity of styles and high rates of Inka type. Among bones, we found several projectile points and manufacture discards. The architectonic and spatial analysis and excavation material allows the articulation of this room with the rest of El Shincal. Probably this joint was in direct relation to the festive moments where the El Shincal has played a central role in the dynamics of the Inka provinces of the south.


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How to Cite
Couso, M., Moralejo, R., Giovannetti, M., Del Papa, L., Páez, M., Gianelli, J., Giambelluca, L., Arnosio, M., & Raffino, R. (1). Analysis of material variability at Enclosure 1 - Kancha II: Contributions for an understanding of Inca politics at Shincal de Quimivil. Arqueología, 17, 35-55.