Diversity does the trick: Pastoral management strategies at Quebrada de Humahuaca, Jujuy province, between 900 and 1.200 AD

  • Pablo Héctor Mercolli Instituto Interdisciplinario Tilcara. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras UBA • Belgrano 445. Tilcara. Jujuy
Keywords: Llama Herds, Production, Products, Quebrada De Humahuaca, Subsistence


Nowadays there are many studies of archaeofauna at Quebrada de Humahuaca, Jujuy Argentina. They cover a wide period of time, wich makes possible to characterize and discus tendencies of different nature related to consumption, hunting, livestock patterns, herd management strategies of former from former inhabitants. The discussion proposed in this research is closely involved to llama-herd management, based on a breeding model emphosizes put emphasis on changes that might have evolved as the time went on. Specifically, we refer to techniques related to production of different goods (either primaries o secondaries), according to whay was the required of the activity (meat, wool, secondary, load, etc.). That this pattern suggests a major production of primaries products in the Formative Period (Early times) with a transformation towards secondary products as we get close to the Regional Developments Period. For the purpose of this discussion we introduce the analysis of a sample that, according to radiocarbon dating could be set around the year A.D. 1100. In Quebrada de Humahuaca we do not have faunal documents for this segment. The site involved is known as Alto de la Isla and offers some conclusions that allow the discussion of these tendencies.


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How to Cite
Mercolli, P. H. (1). Diversity does the trick: Pastoral management strategies at Quebrada de Humahuaca, Jujuy province, between 900 and 1.200 AD. Arqueología, 17, 81-95. https://doi.org/10.34096/arqueologia.t17.n0.1838