Technical choices for ceramic manufacture by first millenium societies (Tinogasta Department, Catamarca)

  • Anabel Feely
  • Sonia Quenardelle
  • Norma Ratto
Keywords: Ceramic manufacture, Technical choices, Petrographic analysis, Morpho-stylistic analysis, First millennium, West Tinogasta


The aim of this work is to characterize the technical variability of western Tinogasta (Catamarca) ceramics produced and consumed during the first millennium AD in order to identifythe changes and continuities in the execution of the pottery operational sequence during that time span. To that end we conducted petrographic and morpho-stylistic studies on a sample of artifacts from Palo Blanco village and other sites located in the wide study region. The results contribute to the definition of the operational sequence of production and point to the local manufacture of ceramics and the use of different recipes for making pots for different uses.


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How to Cite
Feely, A., Quenardelle, S., & Ratto, N. (1). Technical choices for ceramic manufacture by first millenium societies (Tinogasta Department, Catamarca). Arqueología, 22(1), 149-167.