Visits through time. Lithic technology in a rock art cave at Eastern Catamarca

  • Enrique Moreno
  • Débora Egea
Keywords: Lithic technology, Instruments, Rock art, El Alto-Ancasti


Eastern Catamarca rock art is one of the most revisited topics in the archaeology of the area. Nevertheless, these studies have tended to homogenize these spaces assigned to La Aguada culture of. In the case of Oyola 7, a series of overlappings observed in the representations and differences in the pigments preparation tells us a history of the construction of these panels in the long term, where new designs were added in each visit to the site. The excavation of this cave provides relevant information about these visits and the activities that took place there. In this sense, lithic technology shows the use of local raw materials, the manufacture of a wide variety of tools and the achievementof specific stages of the chain of production chain inside the cave. With this information we provide new evidences that contribute to the understanding of these spaces and their transformation and experimentation through time.


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How to Cite
Moreno, E., & Egea, D. (1). Visits through time. Lithic technology in a rock art cave at Eastern Catamarca. Arqueología, 22(1), 223-232.