Technological variability in Midwest Santa Cruz highlands during Middle and Late Holocene

  • Gisela Cassiodoro
Keywords: Temporal variability, Lithic technology, Paleoenvironment, Highlands


A comparative technological analysis of two stratified sites located in midwest Santa Cruz province highlands (Argentina) is carried on. This article presents information about the lithic assemblages from Alero Destacamento Guardaparque (Perito Moreno National Park) and Cañadón Guitarra 3 (Lake Guitarra Plateau) sites, dated to Middle and Late Holocene. Considering fluctuating environmental conditions, this paper aims to assess the extent to which variations in water availability within the landscape would have modified the role of these sites within mobility routes, as well as the access and use of lithic resources. Information is provided about the technological aspects that changed through time and space and those which remained constant. Thus, this paper contributes to discussions about mobility and land use by human populations in Patagonia.


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How to Cite
Cassiodoro, G. (1). Technological variability in Midwest Santa Cruz highlands during Middle and Late Holocene. Arqueología, 22(2), 335-359.