Ceramic assemblages in interaction contexts. A diachronic analysis of pottery from the Los Viscos site (Valle del Bolsón, Belén, Catamarca)

  • Verónica Puente
Keywords: Ceramic production, Interregional interaction, Petrography, Style, Diachronic


In this article, we present the results obtained from the stylistic analysis, as well as the technological and petrographic study of ceramic recovered from the Los Viscos site, El Bolsón Valley (Belén, Catamarca). The site is a rock-shelter which was occupied discontinuously, yet recurrently between c. 1,000 BC – AD 1,600. The site functioned as a temporary shelter associated to interregional mobility. The ceramics recovered from the various occupation layers’ date to the Formative, Regional Development and Indo-Hispanic period. We undertook, a synchronous and diachronic analysis of the material with the aim of contributing to the study of valley’s ceramic production practices, thereby generating data linking the site with other regions. In this manner, the ceramic provenance was discussed, suggesting that there was diferential movement at play between fine and common ceramics throughout the chronological sequence.


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How to Cite
Puente, V. (1). Ceramic assemblages in interaction contexts. A diachronic analysis of pottery from the Los Viscos site (Valle del Bolsón, Belén, Catamarca). Arqueología, 23(2), 11-33. https://doi.org/10.34096/arqueologia.t23.n2.3776