New approaches to bone technology in the Southwestern Buenos Aires Province: manufacture and use-wear analysis

  • Romina Frontini
  • Myrian Álvarez
  • Mónica Salemme
  • Rodrigo Vecchi
  • Cristina Bayón
Keywords: Bone technology, Use-wear and techno-morphological analysis, Hunter-gatherers, Southwestern Buenos Aires province


Here we present new data on the techno-morphological and functional analysis of bone technology from Middle and Late Holocene sites located in the southwestern the Buenos Aires Province. These bone artifacts are morphologically different, and include points and blunt points. Diagnostic traces of kinematics and the materials on which they were used, were also identified. Artifacts from the Middle Holocene contexts showed traces created by transverse movements on hard surfaces. Meanwhile, rotary and transverse actions on soft surfaces due to work leather were observed on those artifacts from Late Holocene contexts.


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How to Cite
Frontini, R., Álvarez, M., Salemme, M., Vecchi, R., & Bayón, C. (1). New approaches to bone technology in the Southwestern Buenos Aires Province: manufacture and use-wear analysis. Arqueología, 23(2), 137-146.