Archaeomalacological remains from the Puente de Fierro site (Buenos Aires province, Argentina)

  • Romina Frontini
  • Cristina Bayón
Keywords: Marine resources, Invertebrates, Pampean Region, Amarilladesma mactroides, Late Holocene


This article presents data on the use of marine invertebrates at the Puente de Fierro archaeological site, located to the Southwest of the Buenos Aires Province. On the basis of the taxonomic composition of the assemblage, and a taphonomic analysis of the same, the economic role for Pampean hunter-gatherers of invertebrates during Late Holocene is discussed. Five marine species were identified, including gastropods and bivalves; among the latter, the proportionally high representation of Amarilladesma mactroides (Reeve 1854 = Mesodesma mactroides) is noteworthy. Following, we propose a differential use of the various species, in which the gathering of Adelomelon brasiliana was related to technological use, while yellow clams were exploited for food. At a regional scale, this research is new insofar as Late Holocene assemblages from Pampean Region are concerned.


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How to Cite
Frontini, R., & Bayón, C. (1). Archaeomalacological remains from the Puente de Fierro site (Buenos Aires province, Argentina). Arqueología, 23(3), 91-106. Retrieved from