The use of vertebrate and invertebrate by hunter-gatherers in the ría Deseado estuary: the case of UNPA shell midden

  • Heidi Hammond
  • Leandro Zilio
Keywords: Zooarchaeology, Archaeomalacology, Shell midden, Hunter-gatherers, Deseado estuary, Northern coast of Santa Cruz


The remains of vertebrates and invertebrates where recovered in stratigraphical context from the UNPA shell midden, this zooarchaeological assemblage is analyzed here. The site is located along the Northern shore of the Deseado Estuary, on the North coast of the Santa Cruz province, Argentine Patagonia. There are two radiocarbon dates for the site, 690 ± 70 and 970 ± 50 years BP. A total of 7,25 m2 was excavated, and a series of different analysis were undertaken, including, anatomical and taxonomic determinations, quantitative analysis, preservation studies, and a spatial distribution study of the faunal remains. The results show that the assemblage enjoys elevated taxonomic variety, mainly represented by pinnipeds, guanacos, seabirds and terrestrial birds, small and medium vertebrates and fish, additionally there are mollusks, within these those of the Nacella magellanica and Mytilus edulis species predominate. The midden deposit is well consolidated. We suggest that the zooarchaeological remains are the result of the final stages of processing, including consumption and discard activities produced at the site by hunter-gatherer groups. The evidence suggests that the shell midden was occupied by small groups, for relatively short periods of time. The composition and general characteristics of the zooarchaeological assemblage of UNPA is similar to that of other shell middens in the region.


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How to Cite
Hammond, H., & Zilio, L. (1). The use of vertebrate and invertebrate by hunter-gatherers in the ría Deseado estuary: the case of UNPA shell midden. Arqueología, 23(3), 129-152. Retrieved from