Taphonomy of surface archaeological assemblages: the case of P 37 (Santa Cruz River mouth), Southern Patagonia

  • Daniela S. Cañete Mastrángelo
  • A. Sebastián Muñoz
Keywords: Taphonomy, Bone weathering, Aeolian abrasion, Coastal archaeological record, Patagonia


In this article, we analyze the P 37 archaeological deposit from a taphonomic perspective. The site is located at the mouth of the Santa Cruz River in Southern Patagonia. This paper discusses the dynamic consequences of the exposure/burial of surface archaeological materials. In so doing, we consider both organic and inorganic remains, given that both elements offer different kinds of environmental, behavioral and taphonomic evidence. Based on the analysis of surface and stratigraphic bone and lithic materials, the data reveals a depositional taphonomic history that includes periods of greater and lesser stability linked to exposure and burial events. Hence, it can be argued that the deposit was a dynamic structure. In this sense, alteration of the assemblage was not unidirectional, with loss of information being the end result of solely the highly eroded environment in which the site was located. In conclusion, the use of independent, yet complementary, lines of evidence was a useful tool in discussing the taphonomic nature and history of coastal archaeological deposits affected by alternating cycles of exposure and burial.


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How to Cite
Cañete Mastrángelo, D. S., & Muñoz, A. S. (1). Taphonomy of surface archaeological assemblages: the case of P 37 (Santa Cruz River mouth), Southern Patagonia. Arqueología, 24(2), 161-176. https://doi.org/10.34096/arqueologia.t24.n2.5005