Archeology and History at Aldea Beleiro (Southweast of Chubut): Old and new inhabitants of Casa de Piedra de Roselló Cave and its environs

  • Analía Castro Esnal
  • M. Laura Casanueva
Keywords: Patagonia, Peopling, Archeology, Cultural contact


Since 2010, archaeological research has been carried out at Aldea Beleiro, Southwestern Chubut, aimed at recovering the history of the peopling of the province from its origins to the arrival of immigrants during the 19th Century, leading to the subsequent emergence of a creole population. Using archaeology, including material culture as well as historical documents and interviews, allied to a regional approach, we seek to rebuild the history of the area. In this sense, a major focus of this research is the interaction between different social groups and daily life spent in their areas of habitation. To this effect, this paper will present the results of research carried out at the Casa de Piedra de Roselló Cave, and of surveys undertaken at indigenous family settlements for the historical period at Aldea Beleiro. These demonstrate a continuous occupation of the region since at least, 9,000 years ago.


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How to Cite
Castro Esnal, A., & Casanueva, M. L. (1). Archeology and History at Aldea Beleiro (Southweast of Chubut): Old and new inhabitants of Casa de Piedra de Roselló Cave and its environs. Arqueología, 24(2), 247-257.