Placing the histories of archaeology (from Latin America)

  • Carlo Emilio Piazzini Suárez Instituto de Estudios Regionales, Universidad de Antioquia. Calle 67 N° 53-108 (CP l 050010) Medellín, Colombia. E-mail:
Keywords: Historiography, Latin America, Geography of sciences, History of sciences


This paper presents a review of relevant literature about the history of archaeology in Europe, North America and Latin America produced in the last decades. Through an exercise situated in this last region, and with an interest in the geographies of knowledge, we propose a critical analysis of the histories of archaeology, to identify the historical and spatial regimes that underlay most of the narratives about the becoming of the discipline. Also, we evaluate the role of those narratives in the histories of Latin American archaeology and how its relationships with the trajectories of archaeology in other regions are assessed from Latin America. Finally, we propose a geography of the histories of archaeology, which overcomes the imagination of modern geography, to be sensitive to more fluid, open, and discontinuous spatialities, that have influenced the configuration of that we call archaeology today.


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How to Cite
Piazzini Suárez, C. E. (2020). Placing the histories of archaeology (from Latin America). Arqueología, 26(1), 197-217.