The use of air photo interpretation in archaeological landscape research: the case-study of a Colombian Andean plateau

  • Lorena Rodríguez Gallo
Keywords: Aerial Archaeology, Photo interpretation, Landscape Archaeology, Bogotá savanna, Pre-Columbian raised fields


The aim of this paper is to use historical aerial photographs for the reconstruction of archaeological areas nowadays disappeared due to urban growth; this is supported by data from excavations and colonial documentation. In this case, we intend to reconstruct and analyze the raised fields system built by the pre-Hispanic groups in the Bogotá savanna, located in the Colombia Andean highlands. The results show that the hydraulic system significantly transformed the ecological environment: it controlled the mobility of rivers and seasonal floods, blocked water flows and flooded specific areas of the savanna. The objective of the pre-Hispanic groups was not to drain the savanna but to manage the water to get the most out of it, coexisting with it.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Gallo, L. (2019). The use of air photo interpretation in archaeological landscape research: the case-study of a Colombian Andean plateau. Arqueología, 25(1), 169-186.