Adobe, sod blocks or cob balls? Contributions to the archaeological identification of the different building techniques that use earthen units

  • María Pastor Quiles
  • Franziska Knoll
  • Francisco J. Jover Maestre
Keywords: Earth construction, Archaeology, Construction techniques, Adobe, Sod, Cob block


The documentation of structures built with earth in the archaeological record is common. Among the earth construction techniques that use modular units, we find adobe (mud bricks), cob and sod. Despite being recognized techniques that are still in use nowadays, it is difficult to differentiate them in archaeological reports. Their correct identification is important because of the economic and social implications of their application and development. This paper addresses the characterization of these techniques in order to contribute to their better identification. Through their description and analysis, and the presentation of a specific case study from the Bronze Age in the Iberian Peninsula, we propose different criteria to recognize the different modular earth building techniques, especially based on the study of the individualized units.


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How to Cite
Pastor Quiles, M., Knoll, F., & Jover Maestre, F. J. (2019). Adobe, sod blocks or cob balls? Contributions to the archaeological identification of the different building techniques that use earthen units. Arqueología, 25(2), 213-234.