Preliminary anthracological analysis of Cerro Farall archaeological site (Diamante, Entre Ríos)

  • R. Soledad Ramos
  • Carolina B. Silva
  • Mariana Brea
Keywords: Mound, Archaeological charcoal, Roupala, Ethnobotany, Argentinean Northeast, Late Holocene


In this paper, we present the first anthracological analysis of the Cerro Farall site. This archaeological site (830 ± 40 years BP) is an earth mound structure located at the intersection of a paleochannel with La Palometa Creek, in the south of the Pre-Delta National Park, Entre Ríos province. The carbonized woods were found concentrated in grids 1 and 4, at a depth of 10-15 cm. We identified 39 fragments of charcoals that were assigned to: Ocotea sp., Nectandra sp. (Lauraceae), Roupala sp. (Proteaceae), Celtis sp. (Cannabaceae), Jodina rhombifolia (Santalaceae), Anadenanthera sp., Enterolobium sp., Chloroleucon sp. (Fabaceae), Aspidosperma sp. (Apocynaceae) and Cestrum sp. (Solanaceae). Given that the charcoal fragments come from a combustion structure, we assume the use of the identified taxa as fuel. However, to get a better understanding of the possible practices related to the use of plants and the management of the forests by the pre-Hispanic society that inhabited the site, we discuss the current use of modern specimens, and their availability in the study area, considering the ethnobotanical record.


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How to Cite
Ramos, R. S., Silva, C. B., & Brea, M. (2019). Preliminary anthracological analysis of Cerro Farall archaeological site (Diamante, Entre Ríos). Arqueología, 25(3), 59-85.