Neferhotep and the goddess of the West

  • Mariano Bonanno Investigador Independiente. Av. Corrientes 4967 (CP C1414AJC), Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina. E-mail:
Keywords: TT49, Cult chapel, Pilaster, Post-Amarna


Conservation work at the TT49 cult chapel has shown not only the vivid colors of its pilaster but also the columns of texts hidden, until today, by a thick layer of soot. Although Davies’s publication describes its iconography, only a few words located behind the West goddess could be read. This paper presents the current state of the pilaster after the cleaning work. Its translation is expounded for the first time after almost 3400 years of silence. Also, an interpretation of its symbolism is presented in the general context of the statues´  niche.


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How to Cite
Bonanno, M. (2020). Neferhotep and the goddess of the West. Arqueología, 26(3), 207-217.