Notes on Esoeris coffin texts in Montevideo: the prosopography

  • Víctor Capuchio Museo de Historia del Arte (MuHAr), Intendencia de Montevideo. Ejido 1326, Palacio Municipal (CP 11200), Montevideo, Uruguay. E-mail:
  • Diego M. Santos Departamento de Humanidades y Arte, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional (UniPe). Piedras 1080 (C1070AAV), Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina. E-mail:
Keywords: Egyptian coffin, Akhmim, Funerary texts, Classical Egyptian, Prosopography


In this paper, we present a new interpretation of the inscriptions on the Esoeris’ coffin, daughter of Nespamay, based on a brief description of the coffin and a discussion of the named inscriptions. The main aim of this paper is to present a transcription of the name of Esoeris’ mother and correct the prosopographical data offered by this coffin.


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How to Cite
Capuchio, V., & Santos, D. M. (2020). Notes on Esoeris coffin texts in Montevideo: the prosopography. Arqueología, 26(3), 127-142.