Archaeometric analysis of ceramics from the first millennium of the Era at the Miriguaca river gorge (Antofagasta de la Sierra, Catamarca, Argentina)
The study of the technology and provenance of ceramics has contributed to establish the relationships between different human groups and areas. The knowledge of these aspects is important to understand the connections among human groups and their social organization. In this paper, we address the provenance of the ceramics linked to the first moments of the Formative Period in the Miriguaca gorge in Antofagasta de la Sierra (Catamarca, Argentina). To this end, we analyzed the typology, stylistic features, petrographic and chemical composition through neutron activation of the ceramics recovered at Las Escondidas site (ca. 2000-1600 AP). The results obtained complement the explanatory models available for the societies of the Formative period and show that the Miriguaca gorge ceramics were not local productions, although the vast majority seems to have the same origin. This situation could show the existence of social networks among the human groups that inhabited the puna of Catamarca during this time. This connectivity would have promoted the existence of macro-regional strategies of social cohesion that could be especially important in a context of increasing social complexity and profound changes in the organization of these populations.Downloads
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