Analysis of production practices and use of the lithic materials from Empalme Querandies sites (upper basin of Tapalqué creek, pampean region)

  • María J. Colantonio
  • Nélida Pal
  • Pablo G. Messineo
Keywords: Lithic technology, Chaîne opératoire, Hunter-gatherers, Pampean region, Late Holocene


In this paper we present the results of the analysis of the lithic tools from the Empalme Querandíes 1 site (upper basin of Tapalqué creek, Pampean region) in order to assess the methods of production and use implemented by the hunter-gatherer groups during the Late Holocene. We use a holistic approach to technology that involves the study of the chaîne opératoire and the context of use, since they are indissoluble elements of technological practices. The results of techno-morphological and functional analyses allowed us to identify recurrent practices in relation to the methods of production (sought forms for each lithic raw material: morphology and size of the pieces) and use of stone tools (versatile side-scrapers and end-scrapers with functional integrity). Such practices are associated with know-how and know-how-to-use, socially shared by knappers and users of pre-Hispanic lithic technology in the region. 


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How to Cite
Colantonio, M. J., Pal, N., & Messineo, P. G. (1). Analysis of production practices and use of the lithic materials from Empalme Querandies sites (upper basin of Tapalqué creek, pampean region). Arqueología, 22(2), 243-267.