Early social complexity at Bolas, Costa Rica: First year southern Costa Rica archaeological project (Scrap) results

  • Laura J. Brodie
  • Scott D. Palumbo
  • Francisco Corrales Ulloa
Palabras clave: Costa Rica, Bolas, Aguas Buenas Period


The Southern Costa Rica Archaeological Project (SCRAP) investigates the contexts for the development of social inequality at the socioceremonial site of Bolas in southern Costa Rica. Craft production and ceremonial activities are the main interests of the project. Unlike Barriles in Panama, a similar site, domestic indicators of high status were elusive. The first year results demonstrate that the Bolas complex is much larger than originally reported, composed of multiple mounded sites with different activities occurring in each one of them. 


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Cómo citar
Brodie, L. J., Palumbo, S. D., & Corrales Ulloa, F. (1). Early social complexity at Bolas, Costa Rica: First year southern Costa Rica archaeological project (Scrap) results. Arqueología, 22(2), 409-418. https://doi.org/10.34096/arqueologia.t22.n2.3237