Teaching work and pandemic. A socioanthropological analysis of magisterial experiences (Rosario, Argentina)

  • María Victoria Pavesio
Keywords: teaching work, experiences, pandemic, urban poverty


In this article we explore the magisterial experiences that are generated in the current pandemic for the COVID-19, as part of the advances from de doctoral thesis. We support that the claims to move the “school to home” takes challenges and limitations and, also, that the deployed schooling processes in this context of social, prevent and obligatory isolation reconfigure teaching work significantly. In the context of the health emergency, since march 20, the presential classes have been interrupted in argentinian schools. The education ministry, national and provincial, has proposed different initiatives to support schooling, from radial and television programs to the distribution of paper booklets. Now well, what particularities have these strategies in contexts crossed by the social inequality and urban poverty? How the teaching work is reconfigured? What senses and practices do teachers build in this current situation? Many questions that, from a socioanthropological approach, guide the documentation of teachers experiences who perform in Rosario public elementary schools.


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How to Cite
Pavesio, M. V. (2020). Teaching work and pandemic. A socioanthropological analysis of magisterial experiences (Rosario, Argentina). Revista Del IICE, (48). https://doi.org/10.34096/iice.n48.10214
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