Secondary school and pandemic: witnessing the schooling processes and enabling a look to novelty

  • Alejandra Castro universidad nacional de Córdoba
Keywords: Secondary school - pandemic - schooling processes - reorganization of school work - school space.


This article presents the results of a qualitative research, with a socio-anthropological perspective, which we are carrying out in public secondary schools in Córdoba city, Argentina. The objective of this research is to record and analyze, from a relational approach that considers macro and micro politics at different scales and levels, the schooling processes of young people and the institutional and organizing conditions of schools to accommodate them within the framework of the right to education and the compulsory nature of secondary schools approved in 2006. With the outbreak of the pandemic in 2020, the objectives of our research have been resituated to account for those processes in the new context. In this article, we share some notes that bear witness on the reorganization of school work to deal with this new situation and point out some difficulties and possibilities resorting to the words of school management teams. Likewise, we try to raise awareness on some registers that appear as emerging in school contexts influenced by the pandemic, such as school spaces.


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How to Cite
Castro, A. (2022). Secondary school and pandemic: witnessing the schooling processes and enabling a look to novelty. Revista Del IICE, (51).
Dossier: Educación y pandemia. Claves de análisis en tiempos inéditos/dislocados