The socio-emotional approach in the pandemic’s educational agenda. Between therapeutics and morals
This paper aims at examine the political and pedagogical implications of the emotional interventions proposed by the globally structured educational agenda in the context of the pandemic caused by COVID-19. Based on the analysis of the content of documents produced between 2020 and 2021 by International Organizations –more precisely, by UNESCO, ECLAC, UNICEF and the World Bank–, we identify the consolidation of the socio-emotional approach to problems such as school dropout or learning deficits. In this context, it stands out the call to give socio-emotional support to the student body, in order to guarantee their well-being. We observe, also, an attempt to install, in the post-pandemic curriculum, content related to social emotional learning. Without underestimating the emotional and psychological impact of the pandemic caused by COVID-19, neither minimizing the role of the school in facing this experience, we want to stress that the guidelines of the International Organizations in front of the pandemic are sustained in an emotionalization and therapisation of education. At the same time, we notice a reinforcement of moral concerns not stated as such and disguised in psycho-emotional statements, which ultimately leads to an emotionalization of citizenship.Downloads
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