Vol. 38 (2017)
Este volumen de Patristica et Mediaevalia (2017) presenta una serie de estudios que se centran en la recepción del pensamiento político y ético de Aristóteles en el escolasticismo ibérico y latinoamericano. Esta investigación se desarrolla en el marco del projecto "Recepción y desarrollo del pensamiento político aristotélico en Latinoamérica, entre los siglos XVI y XVIII" financiado por la Fundación Alexander von Humboldt (Alemania). -
Vol. 36 (2015)
The present volume of Patristica & Mediaevalia has as a central topic philosophical, along with theological and legal, assessments to a particular form of slavery -i.e. Black slavery- regrettably practiced in Latin America, in the period that stretches from the 16th up to the 19th century. Even more specifically, the contributors present studies on authors and works that could be characterized as representing "Second Scholasticism" broadly speaking, which should include some representative thinkers both of Iberian and Latin-American Scholasticism.