Andean iconography in the integration and political legitimation processes of Prehispanic communities from Sierras de Córdoba (Argentina)

  • Sebastián Pastor
  • Luis Tissera
Keywords: Rock art, Symbolic capital, Communication, Multiethnicity


In this paper we develop an analysis of the pre-hispanic rock art of two areas in central- east Córdoba Hills considering different formal parameters (motifs design, thematic associations), execution techniques, and production and use contexts (location, rock support and pictures visibility, other associated archaeological materials, landscape features). Some aspects of the contexts of meaning are also considered. This approach supports an evaluation of linkages with other areas, more or less close or distant at the regional level. This allows us to identify clear connections of intermediate distance (ca. 80-200 km) to the west and northwest, through the rock art from the western extreme of Córdoba Hills and Los Llanos de La Rioja. Some specific motifs and themes indicate relationships in the same direction but at a greater distance, with the eastern Andean slope (ca. 300-500 km). This iconography is linked to a material form, ritual practices and an ideological framework of non-local origin in Córdoba Hills, but appropriated in the local processes of political integration, social hierarchy and the establishment of a restrictive territoriality. These processes would have involved increasing interactions with natives of Los Llanos de La Rioja and the Andean slope. In this sense a certain standardization of repertoire, techniques and production contexts is noted. This indicates shared practices and appeals to a visual code able to secure unambiguous communication.


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How to Cite
Pastor, S., & Tissera, L. (1). Andean iconography in the integration and political legitimation processes of Prehispanic communities from Sierras de Córdoba (Argentina). Arqueología, 22(1), 169-191.