An aesthetic approach to the aequalitas in Augustine of Hippo’s De musica

Keywords: motion, number, music, Equality


The concept of aequalitas articulates Augustine of Hippo’s analysis in his dialogue De musica. Augustine begins with the technical study of the rhythm of Latin verses in order to organize the metrical feet according to their closeness to equality. Closeness to equality is the criterion of delight, namely, the response of the senses to simple proportions. The rational analysis of the aesthetic experience initiates the ascent of the soul towards God, identified as the foundation of beauty and delight in proportionate and beautiful things. This passage from music theory to the theological philosophy of music articulates an aesthetic theory that addresses aesthetic experience and reflection on this experience. The three moments of the dialogue allow us to understand the concept of aequalitas according to three perspectives: arithmetic, aesthetic and theological. Arithmetic equality is the relationship between two equal quantities. Aesthetic equality is the relationship between the quantities of temporal reality insofar as they are perceived and with respect to their beauty. Finally, theological equality is a supreme equality, divine and without multiplicity.


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How to Cite
Szychowski, P. A. (2022). An aesthetic approach to the aequalitas in Augustine of Hippo’s De musica. Patristica Et Mediævalia, 43(2), 25-41.