Hylomorphism and natural generation in Aquinas’s Commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics

Keywords: Aristotle, Natural Generation, Hylomorphism, Thomas Aquinas


Metaphysics VII is a complex book that raises numerous and varied metaphysical and logical problems of the Aristotelian tradition. There is, for example, the problem of the unity of metaphysics, hylomorphism, questions regarding the first ousía and content of the definition, etc. Chapters 7 to 9 have especially mysterious passages where the ongoing focus of the discussion in the book is diverted due to the addressing of types of generation. Likewise, the hylomorphic analysis of natural generation, which appears there, is central to understanding human genesis in Aristotle’s work and the tradition that follows it. Now, in the Commentary on the Metaphysics by Thomas Aquinas, all these subjects assume a new dimension and is reinterpreted in the light of scholastic discussions. The proposal of this work consists of two parts. The first one aspires to analyze of the natural generation in said chapters of the Aristotelian work with the aim of determining: (i) the proper aspects of the hylomorphic doctrine presented there; (ii) its implications, both (a) for reconciling the notion of ousía in Categories and Metaphysics, and (b) for the problem of the content of the definition. The second part involves an analysis of the notion of natural generation in lectiones 6-8 of the Thomist Commentary to determine Aquinas’ interpretation, and the impact that this has on his doctrines.


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How to Cite
Iversen, F. (2023). Hylomorphism and natural generation in Aquinas’s Commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics. Patristica Et Mediævalia, 44(2), 69-82. https://doi.org/10.34096/petm.v44.n2.10971