The Involuntariness of the Acts According to Francisco Suárez

Keywords: Involuntary, Free will, Responsibility, Ontology


The aim of this paper is to define Francisco Suárez’s conception of involuntary acts and to show it as a mean that drives us to a better understanding of his theory of human action. In this topic, Doctor Eximius uses some Thomistic notions that he develops and extends following his own metaphysical and theological theses on the relation between God and the creatures. We present how Suárez links the real involuntary with the involuntary simpliciter, the forced, necessary, and non-desired acts, defining the secundum quid as a mixed act where freedom and willingness, even suffering external influences, are not suppressed. Lastly, we highlight the consequences of the suarezian definition of the involuntary on the notion of free-will, pointing out that both wouldn’t have any sense beyond the theoretical system that Suárez creates, characterized by the human efficiency, the dependency upon God, and the rejection of the theory of the physical premotion.


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How to Cite
Sánchez-López, J. C. (2022). The Involuntariness of the Acts According to Francisco Suárez. Patristica Et Mediævalia, 43(1), 43-60.

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