Divine medicine in Ambrose of Milan
Healing gestures made by Jesus of Nazareth during his public ministry have resulted in many approaches in the patristic period, especially in the field of soteriology. In the fourth century, we find Ambrose of Milan who, in several of his writings, presented the historical-salvific dynamic in the light of various elements taken from the practice of medicine. His rich metaphors offer a multifaceted reflection on how Christ works salvation among men. This article examines Ambrose’s concept of divine medicine from three perspectives. First, it explores the figure of Christ the Physician, who manifests his kindness in favor of human being sick because of sin. Second, it delves into Ambrose’s elucidation of spiritual remedies, specifically the word of God, the eucharist and penance. Finally, the article discusses the patient’s attitude towards the doctor and the spiritual treatments, whose attitudes have consequences on the recovery or non-recovery of health. In this way, the “doctor-remedy-patient” triad scrutinized in the Ambrosian writings provides a comprehensive view of the soteriological reality in the light of spiritual medicine, which, in short, presents Christ the Doctor who came down from heaven bringing the remedy of salvation to humanity wounded by sin.Downloads
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Ambrósio de Milão (1882). De interpellatione Iob et David. En: Opera omnia. Paris: Migne, J.-P. (PL 14).
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Ambroise de Milan (1956). Traité sur l’Évangile de S. Luc (Livres I-VI). Ed. e trad. Tissot, G. Paris: Cerf. (Sources Chrétiennes 45).
Ambroise de Milan (1958). Traité sur l’Évangile de S. Luc (Livres VII-X). EEd. e trad.
Tissot, G. Cerf. (Sources Chrétiennes 52).
Ambroise de Milan (1971). La pénitence. Ed. e trad. Gryson, R. Paris: Cerf. (Sources Chrétiennes 179).
Ambrogio di Milano (1979). I sei giorni della creazione. Ed. e trad. Benterle, G. Milano: Biblioteca Ambrosiana; Roma: Città Nuova Editrice. (SAEMO 1).
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Ambrogio di Milano (1984). La fede. Ed. e trad. Moreschini, C. Milano: Biblioteca Ambrosiana; Roma: Città Nuova Editrice. (SAEMO 15).
Ambrogio di Milano (1985). Elia e il digiuno; Naboth; Tobia. Ed. e trad. Gori, F. Milano: Biblioteca Ambrosiana; Roma: Città Nuova Editrice. (SAEMO 6).
Ambrogio di Milano (1987). Commento al Salmo CXVIII (Lettere I-XI). Ed. e trad. Pizzolato, L. F. Milano: Biblioteca Ambrosiana; Roma: Città Nuova Editrice. (SAEMO 9).
Ambrogio di Milano (1987). Commento al Salmo CXVIII (Lettere XII-XXII). Ed. e trad. Pizzolato, L. F. Milano: Biblioteca Ambrosiana; Roma: Città Nuova Editrice. (SAEMO 10).
Ambrogio di Milano (1989). Verginità e vedovanza. Ed. e trad. Gori, F. Milano: Biblioteca Ambrosiana; Roma: Città Nuova Editrice. (SAEMO 14/1).
Ambrósio de Milão (1999). Explanatio psalmorum XII. Ed. Petschenig, M. Editio altera Zelzer, M. Viena: De Gruyter. (CSEL, 64).
Bibliografia complementar
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