The Alexandrian Conflict of AD 38 as στάσις in Philo’s In Flaccum

Keywords: στάσις, legality, illegality, civic rights, foreigner


In In Flaccum Philo defines as στάσις the anti-Jewish attack of the year AD 38 by which the rights of residence and free worship that the Jews claimed to possess since the founding of Alexandria are violated. One of the main arguments used by the Greeks and Egyptians is the illegitimacy of the possession of rights by the Jews because of their status as foreigners. Consequently, specialized historiographical studies have focused their analysis on the debate on the citizenship status of the Jews in Alexandria in the first century. The present work will move from this perspective of study in order to focus on the understanding of the philosophical and ideological implications of Philo’s interpretation regarding the anti-Jewish offensive. For this, the concept of στάσις that comes from classical Greek philosophy will be analyzed. This term expresses in Plato and Aristotle the factious struggle between fellow citizens for rights and privileges with a violence similar to that of a war against foreigners. Thus, an attempt will be made to demonstrate that Philo uses the term στάσις in the classical Greek philosophical sense to demonstrate that anti-Jewish violence is an internal war and, therefore, an attempt to subvert the Roman legal order.


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How to Cite
Acevedo Sosa, M. E. (2024). The Alexandrian Conflict of AD 38 as στάσις in Philo’s In Flaccum. Patristica Et Mediævalia, 45(1), 67-77.