Fray Miguel de Agia and his 'Servidumbres personales de indios' (1604). Indians' Liberty and Civil Coercion

  • Lucas Duarte Silva PUC (Chile) - CAPES (Brasil)
Keywords: Fray Miguel de Agia, Liberty, Civil Coercion, Repartimentos


The aim of this article is to show how Fray Miguel de Agia handles with the concepts of liberty and civil coercion in his work Servidumbres personales de indios (1604). For that purpose I will divide the text into two sections. In the first, I try to present the repartimientos’ problem in America and the publication of the Cédula Real de Noviembre de 1601, in reaction to which Miguel de Agia wrote his work. In the second section, I will describe Miguel de Agia’s main arguments to support the continuity of the repartimientos in the Indias Occidentales, with particular attention to the way how Agia defends the idea that liberty is not contrary to civil coercion, because it is coherent with the status of a citizen to be politically subjected to legitimate rulers and the common good of the Republic.


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How to Cite
Duarte Silva, L. (2017). Fray Miguel de Agia and his ’Servidumbres personales de indios’ (1604). Indians’ Liberty and Civil Coercion. Patristica Et Mediævalia, 38, 89-103. Retrieved from