Polysemy of the term 'potency' in the Philosophy of Mind of Thomas Aquinas

  • Santiago Argüello Universidad Católica Argentina, Consejo Nacional de Investigación Científicas y Técnicas
Keywords: Thomas Aquinas, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Soul, Potency, Interpretation


Is it correct to say that there is philosophy of mind in Aquinas’ most mature works? Or is his philosophy of mind just an issue of his early thought, inherited from the Augustinian tradition, and which, after the surfacing of the works of Aristotle, would have stricto sensu shifted into a philosophy of soul? This is the fun­damental question that underlies an interesting discussion raised a few years ago among some English-speaking scholars about Thomas Aquinas’ thought. The dis­cussion is picked up here in order to point out a possible way to solve it. This con­sists on the distinction between three different senses of the term “potency” in Aquinas’ philosophy, which leads to realize that there is no opposition between Augustinism and Aristotelianism in Aquinas.


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How to Cite
Argüello, S. (2014). Polysemy of the term ’potency’ in the Philosophy of Mind of Thomas Aquinas. Patristica Et Mediævalia, 35, 15-30. Retrieved from http://revistascientificas.filo.uba.ar/index.php/petm/article/view/7760