About the Sources of the Condemnation of 1277. The Nobilitas in the Book De Amore of Andreas Capellanus and in the Ethical Treatises of Radical Aristotelism

  • Violeta Cervera Novo Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: Andreas Capellanus, Ethical treatises, Syllabus, Etienne Tempier


In the prologue of his Syllabus of 1277, Bishop Etienne Tempier condemned the book De amare or De deo Amoris, attributed to Andreas Capellanus. The Syllabus forbids the reading of De amore together with some treatises on necromancy. Because of this explicit reference to the book, but not to its content, much has been discussed about De amore as a possible source of the theses condemned by Tempier.


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How to Cite
Cervera Novo, V. (2010). About the Sources of the Condemnation of 1277. The Nobilitas in the Book De Amore of Andreas Capellanus and in the Ethical Treatises of Radical Aristotelism. Patristica Et Mediævalia, 31, 82-89. Retrieved from http://revistascientificas.filo.uba.ar/index.php/petm/article/view/7793
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