Positio impossibilis and concept formation: Duns Scotus on the Concept of infinite Being

  • Roberto Hofmeister Pich Pontificia Universidad Católica de Rio Grande do Sul.
Keywords: Positio impossibilis, Duns Scotus, Concept, Ontological infinity, Infinite being


The purpose of this study is to investigate Duns Scotus's uses of the technique of positio impossibilis for elaborating his concept of ens infinitum or ontological infinitas in Quodlibet q. 5. Although there are several studies about Scotus's account of infinite being as a proper concept of God and of infinitum as the fundamental intrinsic mode of being, there is no targeted investigation of his conscious application of that logical tool for the purpose of concept formation. In order to acquire a complex concept like “infinite being”, Scotus is concerned first of all with the compatibility of its contents and with conceivability. He starts the technique exploring mathematical potential infinity according to Aristotle and arrives secundum imaginationem at ontological actual infinity through the analysis of the notions of “whole” (totum) and “perfection” (perfectum).


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How to Cite
Hofmeister Pich, R. (2009). Positio impossibilis and concept formation: Duns Scotus on the Concept of infinite Being. Patristica Et Mediævalia, 30, 45-82. Retrieved from http://revistascientificas.filo.uba.ar/index.php/petm/article/view/7811