From Hope to Salvation (the End of the Speculative Way). An Interpretation of De Concordia Treatise of Anselm of Canterbury

  • Enrique Camilo Corti Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
Keywords: Anselm, Genetic process, Speculative thinking, Language, Freedom and Necessity


De concordia, the last treatise written by Anselmo, constitutes a privileged high point in the genetic process of his thought. I will try to outline the overall structural aspects of this text that I consider important to define its belonging to this process: a) This work is inscribed –together with Monologion (M) and Cur deus homo (CDH)– in the process of deconstruction of the Anselmian speculative thought; b) The speculative aspect is closely associated to language through the “nihil” notion; c) The articulation between freedom and necessity in M, and the unfolding of the center of De Concordia (in the textual center and the objective center) are both subsidiary to the said aspect.


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How to Cite
Corti, E. C. (2007). From Hope to Salvation (the End of the Speculative Way). An Interpretation of De Concordia Treatise of Anselm of Canterbury. Patristica Et Mediævalia, 28, 99-120. Retrieved from