Bonaventure: the Transcendentals of Being and Divine Causality as Ontological Ground

  • Gerald Cresta Raimundus-Lullus-Institut. Freiburg i. Br.
Keywords: Transcendentals, Trinity, Analogy, Causality, Divine essence


The three metaphysical causes of the contingent world, i.e. efficient, exemplar and final cause, are considered by Bonaventure strictly as the ontological ground of all substances in the created world as well as transcendental attributes of God. Departing from the idea of Being as such of metaphysical constitutive of the divine essence, this paper deals with the connections between transcendental causes considered as ontological principles and the theological theory in which these principles are at the same time attributive perfection in the Christian idea of a trinitarian God. So, they are submitted in a correlative concordance between the three divine Persons: God the Father as efficient cause, God the Son as exemplar cause and God the Holy Spirit as final cause. Finally, there is an explanation on the concept of analogy which is considered by Bonaventure from the created world up to God as well as from God to the world.


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How to Cite
Cresta, G. (2004). Bonaventure: the Transcendentals of Being and Divine Causality as Ontological Ground. Patristica Et Mediævalia, 25, 25-44. Retrieved from