A Complicated Relation. The Jurists and Aristotle

  • Helmut G. Walther Universidad de Jena
Keywords: Medieval political theory, Councils, Intellectuals, Jurists, Political power


The historians of Medieval political theory have overlooked the role of Roman and Canonical Laws in the formation of the Political Theory at the same time that they attributed considerable importance to the conflicts between the Papacy and the temporal power and to the councilistic discussion that took place within the Church. For that reason, they paid more attention to Aristotelian background than to juridical basis. But, actually, Aristotelian’s political theory was the foundation of only abstract discussions of intellectuals and within the environment of the University, whereas the political decisions were in hands of erudite jurists. That is the reason of the polemic statements of scholars and theologians, who felt themselves despised (inasmuch as their scientific status was concerned) by the holders of the political power.


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How to Cite
Walther, H. G. (2001). A Complicated Relation. The Jurists and Aristotle. Patristica Et Mediævalia, 22, 3-16. Retrieved from http://revistascientificas.filo.uba.ar/index.php/petm/article/view/7875